Saturday, July 5, 2008

6 - epidermis of skin mcqs

7q. which is the layer of skin that contains dendritic cells of immune response ?

  1. stratum basale
  2. stratum spinosum
  3. stratum granulosum
  4. dermis

answer : both a and b are answers. Mostly stratum spinosum . refer grays anatomy thirty-ninth edition page 162 .

--- to answer this question you need to know first

Q: what is a dendritic cell ?

Answer: any cell in the body which has radial projections from its cell body ( like sun and its rays ) is called dendritic cell. A typical example for this type of cell is neuron cell body.

--- next you will have to know

Q: what are the dendritic cells present in the skin ?

Answer : there are 2 types of dendritic cells in the skin , they are MELANOCYTES which are the melanin producing cells and the LANGERHANS CELLS.

--- then you must be wondering

Q: what are the dendritic cells of the skin that are involved in immune response ?

Answer : the langerhans cells are the first defense against any antigen entering the skin . they function as antigen presenting cells .

--- a doubt again

Q: what is an antigen presenting cell ?

Answer : it catches hold of the antigen ( in lay man terms ) and gives it to the

T-lymphocytes which does the remaining work . so as langerhans cells are antigen presenting cells , they are involved in the immune response .

--- so now we know that langerhans cells are the dendritic cells of the skin that are involved in the immune response. Now to answer this question you will have to know

Q: In which layers of the skin are these langerhans cells present ?

Answer : these langerhans cells are present in the epidermis of the skin .

--- so you have excluded option d which is dermis . but to answer this question you will have to know

Q: in exactly which layers of the epidermis are these langerhans cells present ?

Answer : the langerhans cells are present in stratum spinosum and stratum basale . ( page 162 – 39 th edition – grays anatomy ).

--- The wikipedia article on langerhans cell says they are mostly seen in stratum spinosum . so if you are asked a question

Q: in which layer of epidermis are the langerhans cells mostly seen ?

Answer : stratum spinosum .

--- if the question requires one answer then it will be stratum spinosum , but if u are attempting a question which has multiple answers like PGI CHANDIGARH PAPER , then u will have to mark stratum basale too .

--- there will be many enthusiastic people who wanna know

Q: what are all the layers of epidermis ?

Answer : epidermis is made up of 5 layers . from above below they are :

  1. stratum corneum ( also called cornified layer )
  2. stratum lucidum ( also called clear layer )
  3. stratum granulosum ( also called granular layer )
  4. stratum spinosum ( prickle cell layer )
  5. stratum basale ( basal layer )

( CLG SB – Clinical Lecture Gallery Special Biriyani – funny mnemonic from my college days )

--- there will be over enthusiastic people like me who wanna know

Q: what are the layers of dermis ?

Answer : 1. papillary layer ( just below epidermis followed by )

2. reticular layer and ( finally )

3. hypodermis .

--- lets stop it here for this question are we are gonna go on for ever .

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