Monday, July 7, 2008

14 - koenen tumors

Q: koenen tumors are seen in greater than 50 % cases of ?

  1. sturge weber syndrome
  2. ataxia telengiectasia
  3. tuberous sclerosis
  4. neurofibromatosis

answer : c . tuberous sclerosis .

--- the first question that comes to mind is

Q: what are these koenen tumors?

Answer : these are asymptomatic tumors that occur in adolescence in patients with tuberous sclerosis. They are often multiple and can cause depressions in the nail plate. Surgery is the treatment for bothersome lesions. Acquired digital fibrokeratomas

( subungual or periungual fibromas) are small growths that appear around the nail which are fleshy ,asymptomatic and may have a keratotic distal tip .

Usually appear in adolescence and are located more in toes than fingers .

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